GQUAL’s written submission to the CEDAW Committee GR 40 draft (April, 2024)
The Campaign celebrates the CEDAW Committee’s (the Committee) recently published draft on General
Recommendation 40 (GR40) on the equal and inclusive representation of women, in all their diversity, in
decision-making systems. It has been an honor for us to support and contribute to the drafting process
of GR40 and we are grateful to the Committee members and team for the fruitful exchanges and for the
opportunities to join discussions and share suggestions to enrich the draft.
After a careful reading of the first draft, the Campaign cherishes this new opportunity to contribute to
the critical drafting process, by presenting written suggestions to the draft. Our contributions intend to
strengthen the final version of GR40 to better address some of the structural obstacles and challenges
faced by women in the enjoyment of the right protected by Article 8 of the CEDAW Convention. While
not requiring extensive adjustments to the text, our suggestions could ensure a more effective impact of
the GR in changing the paradigm regarding women’s equal and inclusive representation at the
international level.