CECILIA MEDINA #PodcastforParity V2.0
MELISSA UPRETI #PodcastforParity V.2.0
July 23, 2023
Side Event: The Promise of Women`s Equal Representation and Participation
Achieving and Sustaining Gender Parity in the UN Special Procedures
Annex to the report with recommendations on best practices to consolidate gender parity
And equitable geographical distribution, as well as the representation of different legal systems in the inter-american court and commision on human rights.
May 2, 2023
States should elect members of the IACHR taking gender parity into account
Interview | Ambassador Claudia Fuentes, Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations.
March 8, 2023
Public Statement of the GQUAL Campaign during International Women’s Day 2023
March 8, 2023
International Women’s Day is a moment to take stock of progress, renew our commitment and promote stronger actions to ensure gender equality
March 2, 2023
NGOs call for gender parity in the next composition of the UN Committee on the Migrant Workers
February 24, 2023