Now available: new research from the Center for Human Rights of the Buenos Aires University School of Law (UBA)
The Center for Human Rights (CDH) at the Buenos Aires University School of Law (UBA) has been working with GQUAL since 2017 in different investigations. On this occasion, the CDH published a follow up report to the one published in 2018: “The unequal participation of women in international organizations. Are States accountable?”
The purpose of this research was to investigate the states’ role when nominating candidates to occupy positions in international tribunals and bodies.
In the first report, published at the beginning of 2018, they presented the results of the analysis of the nominations made by Argentina, Chile and Uruguay for positions in international bodies and tribunals from 2000 to 2017. This second report analyzes the nominations of the following countries: Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, United States, Canada, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay.
You can download the report here.
One of the objectives of the Campaign is to open spaces for the exchange and discussions of best practices and experiences in selection processes, from GQUAL we celebrate the work in collaboration with the CDH.