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GQUAL Conference Resources

 From 3 to 5 of October, 2017, the GQUAL Campaign held a Conference in The Hague.  The event counted with the participation of  foreign dignitaries, academics, students, arbiters, members of international human rights tribunals, commissions and other bodies, among others, and culminated with the adoption

#PodcastforParity on #IWD2017 week: Mirèze Philippe

Today we will be speaking with Mirèze Philippe on the work ArbitralWomen is doing to promote parity within arbitration, the importance of visibility and conversations in changing unconscious biases, and her optimism on what these calls for parity can achieve. Mirèze is currently a Special


We’ve created a set of Infographics that illustrate the problem GQUAL of gender imbalance in International Tribunals and Monitoring Bodies that GQUAL seeks to address; and possible entry points for solutions. Feel free to download our images and share with you social networks!

A Concept Paper for the campaign

Gender Equality in International Tribunals and Bodies: an achievable step with global impact This Concept Paper written by Viviana Krsticevic, Executive Director of CEJIL and part of the GQUAL Team, presents the issue that GQUAL aims to address, expands on the reasons why women’s equal representation