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Desde GQUAL creemos que la producción de datos es esencial para entender qué foto estamos mirando y cómo cambiarla. Los datos nos ayudan a hacer visible lo invisible, y también a identificar qué preguntas y datos deberíamos conocer más, desagregar y profundizar. La información es

#IWD 2022

International Women's Day makes us collectively reflect on the enormous obstacles that persist for the women of the world to live with equality, dignity and without violence. It also makes us recognize the enormous achievements and progress made in our struggle for equality, obtained largely

The GQUAL Campaign, the International Disability Alliance and the International Disability Development Consortium call on States Parties to the CRPD to ensure equality in the election process in 2020 to achieve gender parity in the CRPD Committee

On November 30th, at the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) States Parties will elect 9 of the 18 members of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the independent body of experts entrusted