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#PodcastforParity v. 2.0 E 04: Josephine Jarpa Dawuni

Check out our podcast with  Josephine Jarpa Dawuni, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Howard University, on the African Court on Human and People´s Rights. SPEAKER #PODCASTFORPARITY Josephine  Jarpa Dawuni Assistant Professor of Political Science at Howard University click the image to access the podcast

#PodcastforParity v. 2.0 E 04: Cecilia Medina

Check out our podcast with Cecilia Medina, former president of the Inter-American Court on Human Rights where we talk about her professional and personal experiences as a female jurist. SPEAKER #PODCASTFORPARITY Cecilia Medina Former President of the Inter-American Court on Human Rights (Interview in Spanish

#PodcastforParityV.2.0 E 02: Melissa Upreti

Check out or Podcast with Melissa Upreti, Member the Working Group on discrimination against women in law and in practice, where we discuss the importance of law with a gender based perspective! SPEAKER #PODCASTFORPARITY Melissa Upreti Member of the Working Group on discrimination against women

#PodcastforParityV.2.0 E 01: Ana María Menendez

Check out our podcast with Ana María Menendez, UN Under Secretary General and Senior Advisor of the Secretary General on Policy, where we discuss the synergies between GQUAL and the UN Secretary General´s plan to promote parity within the United Nations! SPEAKER #PODCASTFORPARITY Ana María

Check out our #PodcastsforParity version 2.0

In light of our 3rd Anniversary, the GQUAL Campaign hosted a new version of our“#PodcastsforParity”- or #PodcastsforParityv.2.0 if you will- in collaboration with American University’s Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at the Washington College of Law. Featuring GQUAL strategic advisers and supporters, each

GQUAL turns three

You. Me. And this campaign make three…years of#ChangingthePicture. Check out our twitter @GqualCampaign starting today from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. EST for a walk down social media memory lane on some of GQUAL´s highlights (and be sure to tweet your own at us!)