The Potential of Article 8 of the CEDAW Convention to Guarantee Women’s Equal Representation in International Representation.Summary of the CEDAW Committee’s reporting practices and trends across three decadesOctober 1, 2023
Article 8 of the CEDAWPaper on the essential stepping stone towards ensuring gender parity in international tribunals and monitoring bodies September 15, 2015
Trends, Obstacles, Good Practices and Recommendations Regarding Women’s Participation in Political and Public LifeSummary of the work of the Working Group on the issue of discrimination against women and girls
The unequal participation of women in international organizations. Are States accountable? | Working Paper No. 3Working Paper No. 3
Measures to Address the Underrepresentation of Women in International Human Rights Organs and MechanismsGQUAL inputs and recommendations for the development of the Report of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee
Gender parity as a way to strengthen the UN Treaty Bodies.Submission by GQUAL to the Questionnaire circulated by OHCHR in relation to General Assembly Resolution 68/268
Achieving Gender Parity on International Judicial and Monitoring BodiesAnalysis of International Human Rights Laws and Standards Relevant to the GQUAL CampaignWorking Paper No. 4
The unequal participation of women in international organizations. Are States accountable? | Working Paper No. 2Working Paper No. 4
The Representation of Women in the International Justice SystemGQUAL and Centro de Derechos Humanos, UBA Law School Working Paper No. 1
Gender Equality in International Tribunals and BodiesA conceptual document for the launch of the GQUAL Campaign. September 15, 2015